Healthier Rhythms And A New Heart (2019 Recap: Part 1)

- Dads Heart Surgery
- Sierra Leone
- Romania
- Kenya
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Edited 10+ video projects
- Interviewed on a Podcast & a documentary.
- January 2020: Australia and Papua New Guinea for 3 months.
Healthier Rhythms
After travelling for many years to 40+ nations I’d felt it was time to come back to England and create more of a home for myself there. Amazing as it was moving from place to place for so long, it was beginning to take its toll. On good advice I felt it was wisdom to develop healthier sustainable rhythms where I could go out from England and return; instead of moving constantly from country to country as I’d done for the last 8 years!
Dad received a new heart
Not long after moving back my Dad took seriously ill at his job as a School Headmaster (Principal) in the Philippines. He had to leave and move back to England for extensive heart surgery. Strangely despite the severity of the situation I felt and still believe this was Gods timing; in the sense that for years I had been away and now I would be back at the same time as my Dad. It had to have been for a reason. His surgery went well and I was there to help him get back on his feet over 6 months.

Not long after moving back my Dad took seriously ill at his job as a School Headmaster (Principal) in the Philippines. He had to leave and move back to England for extensive heart surgery. Strangely despite the severity of the situation I felt and still believe this was Gods timing; in the sense that for years I had been away and now I would be back at the same time as my Dad. It had to have been for a reason. His surgery went well and I was there to help him get back on his feet over 6 months.