Sierra Leone – (2019 Recap: Part 2)

After not knowing what the future held. God showed me there was more to come and that His timing is just right. Suddenly through 1MILLIONHOME I had the amazing opportunity to follow the story of Nabs in Sierra Leone. Nabs was born in the eleven year civil war, lost his dad at the hands of rebels, ended up on the streets of Sierra Leone and then was taken into an orphanage, where he lived for many years.
He didn’t realise his mum was still alive until many years later. He eventually became the director of the orphanage and helped reunite all of the children under his care safely back with their families. It was an incredible time building friendship with him and filming the places and people as Nabs told me the stories. The journey took me to the streets, to the high places of Sierra Leone, wading through rivers, the rural home of Nabs’ family and to the families he helped reunify.
We became good friends and the footage was used in the video below with Francis Chan as well as the video called Nabs’ Story above. I also had the amazing privilege of joining the Helping Children Worldwide team as our travel schedules coincided. Again I learnt more of the importance of families being reunified and how it benefits not just the individual child but the nation as its foundation and future is strengthened.