Filming With Francis Chan & 1MILLIONHOME: Nairobi, Kenya
After Romania, I was invited to film in Kenya with 1MILLIONHOME and Agape Children’s Ministry.
Was a great privilege to hear first hand of my friend Ruth’s experience of growing up in an orphanage and her resulting passion to see children placed in families, not in orphanages. One time I was moved to tears and reminded once again
Children deserve loving families not just roofs over their heads and food in their bellies.
I then had another great privilege of filming her share with the well known American pastor and author Francis Chan. Francis is someone I’ve listened to over the years on podcasts and I also read his book Crazy Love. It was great to see first hand his passion for children in families growing as well as watching him meet and listen to Ruth’s story on the streets of Nairobi. He also met Nabs, the amazing man whose story I followed in Sierra Leone mentioned above. Coupled with the reunification workshop with advocates and organisations from many nations it was a very special time. Agape, 1millionhome and other key organisations did a great job in providing practical training to help those running child care institutions or orphanages shift to family reunification centres. (An important change in tactics)
I had many wonderful reunions, coupled with the filming by day and organising footage by night that by the end I was so tired I could barely stand and found it hard to walk through the airport… But it was worth it. I was honoured to be part of something so special and critical in this movement as it increases in both momentum and depth.